Sunday, December 20, 2009

Anoopcast #12.5: Happy Birthday Anoop!

Join the Anoopcasters as they wish Anoop Desai a special happy 23rd birthday!

- Our birthday wishes to Anoop!
- A Very Happy Unbirthday
- 23 things we would like to give Anoop, including a red devil! (
- Melissa comes in a little late
- Oh Happy Birthday...
- Our birthday messages to Anoop
- Bloopers

And more

Time: 28:35

Direct Download

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Anoopcast #12: Don't Stop Believing!

Join the Anoopcasters for another jam packed episode of the one and only podcast dedicated to singer Anoop Desai!

- Last episode recorded before the end of the Idols 09 tour!
- News
- Articles
- Papa Desai's birthday
- Ellen as a judge on American Idol next season.
- Announcements
- Anne Marie's 21st birthday!
- Cellcast success!
- Shoutout to buscaster Arlene who was in a car accident. We hope you get better soon hun!
- Thank yous to Rickey
- Mail Bag: Messages from the Cellcast!
- Tour Talk: Wilks Barre and My Prerogative!
- Anne Marie talks about her barricade and concert experience!
- She got to meet Anoop!
- Shoutout to international fans!
- Thanks to her Adam fan barricade buddy for helping her out with autographs!
- The picture!
- "Love you too!"
- Papa Bear book!
- Tour Review: My Prerogative
- Sarah loves the body rolls...and Anoop spreading himself around.
- Anoop should totally do a college tour like David Cook did.
- Sarah wants him to come to her school to perform (Salem State College).
- Chicken Soup for the Trooper's Soul: Diana talks about how Anoop has brought us together!
- Sarah argues over her hair color...which is blonde.
- So much trooper love!
- Bloopers
And much more...

Time: 1:19:32

Direct Download

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Anoopcast #11: Fails and Wins of Boston and Philly!

Join the Anoopcasters for another episode of the only Anoop Desai podcast.

Special Note: This episode was in editing two weeks ago, so the news may be a bit behind.

- News
- Some Good Reviews for Anoop
- Announcements
- Tour Talk: Tour Recaps and Performance Review
- Sarah talks about the failures of Boston.
- Meeting up with Dazz!
- Megan bench
- Boo Garden!
- Finding a way to hand off the gifts.
- The concert in Boston itself!
- Diana talks about Philadelphia.
- Anoop came out to meet everyone!
- We talked to Anoop for like ten seconds then.
- "That's it!"
- Diana wishes she had done more.
- Chris Melly!
- Operation Panties!
- Performance Review: Mad
- We review Anoop's cover of Ne-yo's Mad.
- Best portrayal of what he would sound like on his record.
- Chicken Soup for the Trooper's Soul: Charmers!
- Bloopers
And much more...

Time: 1:17:30

Direct Download

Anoopcast #10.5: R-Re-Remix

Remix of the first ten episodes of Anoopcast. It was originally given to Anoop when Sarah went to Boston as part of the Anoopcast gift. Well we presume that Anoop got it...we really do not know because it was handed over to venue security.

Includes montages of running bits such as Harry Potter and Melinoop.

Direct Download

Monday, August 17, 2009

Anoopcast #10: Our First Live Show!

Join Melissa, Sarah, and Anne Marie for the entirety of our first live recording broadcasted on ustream!

Disclaimer: We are not accountable for anything that was brought upon by the craziness that is the chat room.

- First Live Show!
- Diana comes in for the second half of the show.
- We interact and talk to people in the chat room.
- Raw and almost entirely unedited
- Now see what issues occur during recording.
- We have a guest for the first part of the episode -- Dazzy!
- She talks about her concert experience in Newark.
- The Epic Shirt
- MA's crazy health issues.
- Censored dancing.
- Dazz met Blake Lewis and Adam Lambert at the same time!
- Crazy after show barricades.
- Zombie Anoop!
- News
- "Only Child Syndrome"
- Sarah is going to change in college? What?
- Nene in the chat bugging Sarah.
- Announcements
- Taking a break for trivia in the middle and returning with Diana
- Anoopashion Report: Clothing Changes
- Flying Clothes
- Diana's creepy voice scares Anne Marie.
- Top Ten List: Top Ten Things he's done on tour.
- Sarah's bedroom voice.
- If Anoop was: Drinks and clothing.
- Chicken Soup for the Trooper's Soul: Nawal's story

And much more...

Time: 1:34:06

Direct Download

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Anoopcast #9: Diana's Street Corner!

Join the Anoopcasters for another fun episode with discussion about Anoop Desai, our favorite season eight idol.

- News
- Articles about Anoop's homecoming.
- Announcements
- Mailbag
- Tour Talk
- Anoop's Homecoming
- Two minute standing ovation.
- He cried in Charlotte (aw).
- Tour review for "Always on My Mind."
- We like the new arrangement.
- Wish we had the whole song though.
- Top Ten List: Top Ten Reasons to #signanoopdesai
- Read by guest Shauqille Fontenot!
- Shaquille then talks about Charlotte.
- NC State Fair
- Diana's street corner
- Anoop Rewind: Be without You
- What would have happened if he had sung this in the top 36 instead of Lil Rounds?
- If Anoop Was...
- If Anoop was a TV character who would he be and why?
- Melissa takes Diana's ideas.
- Anoop Jokes!
- Chicken Soup for the Trooper's Soul!
- Support for Anoop!
- We talk about the Wristband Campaign More information can be found here:
Or tweet @yoko71 or @JML_NC for more information.
- Bloopers
And much more!

Time: 1:10:20

Direct Download

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Anoopcast #8: Dying on the Inside!

Join the Anoopcasters for some post Dallas podcasting!

- Buscast success
- Mailbag: Tweets
- Diana and Melissa talk about Dallas.
- Preshow buses
- The concert
- Meeting Anoop
- Mentioning what the security guard said about Anoop's parents sometime in the show (which we found out from the Greensboro concert that it was false).
- Buscast from the live streaming end.
- "I'm dying on the inside."
- "Love you too."
- Anne Marie and Sarah explain themselves about their fangirl moments.
- New segments!
- If Anoop was: Disney characters and desserts.
- Chocolate covered strawberries.
- Diamond in the rough...and Lion King visuals.
- Anoop Jokes
- Top Ten List: Top Ten Tweets
- Bonus #11 on the list.
- Chicken soup for the Trooper's soul: Noah Thomas
- Noah met Anoop!
- Check out the videos about Noah meeting Anoop here:
And check out the blog about Noah here:
- We get all emotional in our first chicken soup segment.
- Bloopers
And more...

Time: 1:24:49

Direct Download

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Buscast #2: The Full of Win Night in Dallas!

Join us for the second portion of Dallas that happened after the concert!

We get shoutouts from Megan Joy, Michael Sarver, Danny Gokey, Allison Iraheta, Matt Giraud, Scott MacIntyre, and Kris Allen.

We even get to talk to Anoop Desai.

Yeah please excuse Anne Marie and myself for "dying on the inside" while Anoop was on the phone.

Time: 24:44

Direct Download

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Buscast #1: On a Steamy Day in Dallas!

Join Sarah and Anne Marie as they stream live on the internet with our first buscast! They are joined by contest winner Lauren.

Diana and Melissa are the buscasters for this edition.

We get shout outs from Michael Sarver, Scott MacIntyre, Matt Giraud, and Kris Allen. Then later one we talked to Jasmine Murray for a few minutes.

Time: 40:38

Direct Download

Monday, July 20, 2009

Special Announcement #2: Contest and Special Show Thursday

Another special announcement! Anne Marie and Sarah talk about the call that will be made and recorded of the buses with our correspondants Melissa and Diana!

We are now announcing a special contest for three lucky people to be on that call!

Listen to the announcement and visit for the rest of the details!

Direct Download

Special Announcement #1: New website!

Special announcement with Sarah and Anne Marie about the launch of the new Anoopcast website!

The old website we were using before will not have content on it anymore. It will still be there, but with a link to redirect people.

Please visit it!

Direct Download

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Anoopcast #7: Melinoop Rocks the Bosom!

Join the Anoopcasters this week for another jam-packed episode!

- No Anne Marie this week due to scheduling conflicts. We miss her!
- News: Tour has started!
- Good reviews for Anoop!
- Spoilers: Tour Songs
- Podcast Alley and Paypal.
- Sarah stick figure!
- Mail bag
- Talk about live cell casts!
- Melissa chatting up Matt next week.
- Everyone ship Melinoop!
- Melissa and Diana's plans for meeting Anoop.
- First reactions to the first time we heard the set.
- Video talk!
- Gyrations for the win!
- Anoopashion Report: Tour Clothes!
- Clark Kent glasses
- Anoop and his pimp cup
- The two sides of Anoop!
- Top Ten List: Things we love about the live cell casts.
- Rock the Bosom!
- We fail at doing manananoop...
- Pixelation dance.
- Human Geography

And more...

Time: 1:07:23

Direct Download

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Anoopcast #6: The Chat Full of Win!

Greetings from Florida and appologies for less than the usual quality in editing.

Join Sarah, Anne Marie, and a mic-impaired Melissa with talk about the live chat with Anoop. Later joined by Diana.

- We go through the entire chat.
- Two words: HARRY POTTER!!!
- Anoop in AP English?
- Sarah talks about her book for a couple minutes.
- Anoop knows about podcasting.
- Rapid fire questions.
- Michael Jackson talk.
- Pole dancing yeah!
- Who doesn't love to pole dance?
- Anoop is very affectionate...with Melissa!
- Melissa's confession: She's EveningMoonStar!
- Glasses on tour.
- Crackle and Oat Bran...never heard of it.
- Ultimate Tour Gift???
- Arnold for the win!!!
- Random outbursts of song...because we can.
- Bbq and Anoop.
- Dreams and Wendy's.
- Anoop the blind one.
- Boyfriend #2
- Musicals
- Strengths and weaknesses.
And more...

Time: 58:19

Direct Download

Friday, July 3, 2009

Claiming feed.

Just ignore this post.

My Podcast Alley feed! {pca-0371e7a54a97919f0f7fd6ea460e9495}

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Anoopcast #5: Late Night with Tour Talk

Join the troopers once again for another episode of Anoopcast.

- Live chat with Justin TV Sunday at 3p.m. est!
- The antics of Danny, Anoop, and Matt.
- Transcribers
- Florida vlogs
- Anoopcast bracelets
- New publicist - Trinz
- Mailbag
- Blues Clues
- Please send us mail!
- Main discussion: Tour Talk!
- What songs are going to be done by Anoop?
- Spoilers for the show in general.
- Adam and his toilet.
- Matt...should never sing Coldplay again...ever.
- Scott and his meetings...with the CIA.
- Duets?
- Meet and Greet information!
- "Oops, my shirt fell."
- Anoopashion Report: Anoop Apparel.
- Anoop slippers and Tickle-Me-Anoop.
- Anoop Rewind: The audition
- First reactions to Anoop
- Wax on - Wax off
- Florida...again!
- Bloopers
And much more stuff!

Time: 1:30:40

Direct Download

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Anoopcast #4: Shotgun Record Deal!

Join Anne Marie, Melissa, Sarah, and Diana for another action-packed episode of Anoopcast!

-New news segment!
-Sarah the Amish woman.
-The need for transcibers.
-Tour gifts for the podcast announced.
-Tour Talk
-Live broadcasting from the tour! Well...maybe...
-Main discussion this week: The record deal!
-Will he be getting a deal from 19?
-Would he be better off without them?
-Constantine's major sex appeal.
-Melissa's marriage proposal!
-Anoopashion Report: Tour wardrobe!
-Tour colors! Carolina blue!
-Sarah Palin returns...with her moose?
-Anoop Rewind: "Can you Stand the Rain?"
-Sarah gets excited over any little similarity she has with Anoop.
-Top Ten List: Nicknames for Anoop.
-"Hey Bubu!"
-Sarah's trip to Florida starting June 26th.
-Diana the rapper.
-Anne and Sarah discuss Charmers some more.
-Some talk of Eve and the trial being pushed back.
-Some bloopers.
And much more.

Time: 1:34:11

Direct Download

Friday, June 12, 2009

Anoopcast #3: Hey Anoop! ASL?

Join Anne Marie, Melissa, and Sarah for this installment of Anoopcast and talk and laugh along with us!

-Live talk during the live chat with Anoop via comcast.
-Transcript can be found here: Live Anoop Chat
-Sarah's feed lags and gets annoyed by it.
-The Troopers complain about the lack of good questions.
-What Anoop wants in a woman...almost made Sarah cry. (Note from Sarah: What it really was that I felt that all guys ever care about are looks. They're all the same! Gah!)
-Cougar alert!
-None of our questions were what gives?
-The war with FOX!
-Anoop push ups.
-Creepy Charmers!
-A little blooper.
And much more...

Time: 51:56

Direct Download

Monday, June 8, 2009

Anoopcast #2: Welcome to The View!

Join Sarah, Anne, Diana, and Melissa this week as they discuss new happenings in the Anoop fandom.

- Two new hosts!
- Meet Diana and Melissa!
- Sarah is the baby of the group.
- Anoop tweets, and the Troopers warch the new facebook video.
- Yeah Texas!
- Talk about seeing Anoop and the tour songs.
- Glamberts rock our socks.
- Gay men make awesome friends!
- Mass bannings on the AI forums...yet again.
- Oh Charmers...
- Anoop Rewind this week is "My Prerogative."
- More talk of American Idol in general.
- So apparently we've turned into The View.
- The group tries to pressure Sarah into auditioning.
- Anoop: Tenor or Baritone?
- A special Anoop promotion from a secret guest.
- Beerpong in the pool.
- Scruff scruff!
- Scott is quite the character
- Bloopers!
- And much, much more...

Time: 1:24:27

Direct Download

Friday, May 22, 2009

Anoopcast #1: Noopy Woopy!

Come join Sarah and Anne for the pilot episode of Anoopcast.

-First full episode.

-New host! Meet Anne Marie

-Trying out for American Idol?

-Sarah talks about her scary story. The moderators deleted thread on the AI forums, so hear the details of the article via her livejournal.

-Sarah is becoming a danger magnet.

-Don't drink and drive, everyone.

-Sarah singing? Exclusive clip.

-Talk of the American Idol Finale.

-Anne and Sarah express their anger at lack of Anoop.

-Meganoop rumors squashed!...again. It pleases Sarah, and Anne is annoyed with the shippers.

-"Noopy Woopy!" (Sarah likes "Bubbles" better).

-Larry King live. Watch it Monday.

-Sarah announces the special dedication.


-And much more.

Direct Download

Time: 51:27

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Minisode #1: Anoop's Birdie Account

Come join Nia and Sarah in the first minisode for Anoopcast!

-Sarah rants about Twitter and FOX.

-Then she gets on a random tangent about politics.

-Nia thinks that Sarah will have a rendez-vous with the "twitter stalker."

-Sarah tells Nia about Anoop's scruff.

-Party in the AI forums!

-Sarah thinks Anoop is pretty, and she loves "that kid"

-Nia claims to be Santa.

Direct Download

Time: 23:35

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Test #2.5

This is test #2.5, which I guess could be considered the 'lost test.'

This is the test Nia and I did when I lost my audio.

I put together a bunch of funny clips of Nia's audio. Stuff that I feel should be shared. There is one clip that I rerecorded my voice for because you needed my end of the conversation to understand. I did remember what I said in that instance.

So enjoy everyone. Nia is very amusing. There is an introduction by me in the clip.

Direct download has been removed.

Time: 6:46

Posted by: Sarah

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Test #2

Join Sarah and her friend Nia as they do the second test. Talk includes Anoop, Twitter, and Harry Potter.

Direct download has been removed.

Time: 13:32


Tests will be taken off the feeds within a few days from posting.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

First test

So here's the first test for this feed for the podcast.

It's basically me, talking.

Edit: The direct download has been removed from the feed.