Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Anoopcast #6: The Chat Full of Win!

Greetings from Florida and appologies for less than the usual quality in editing.

Join Sarah, Anne Marie, and a mic-impaired Melissa with talk about the live chat with Anoop. Later joined by Diana.

- We go through the entire chat.
- Two words: HARRY POTTER!!!
- Anoop in AP English?
- Sarah talks about her book for a couple minutes.
- Anoop knows about podcasting.
- Rapid fire questions.
- Michael Jackson talk.
- Pole dancing yeah!
- Who doesn't love to pole dance?
- Anoop is very affectionate...with Melissa!
- Melissa's confession: She's EveningMoonStar!
- Glasses on tour.
- Crackle and Oat Bran...never heard of it.
- Ultimate Tour Gift???
- Arnold for the win!!!
- Random outbursts of song...because we can.
- Bbq and Anoop.
- Dreams and Wendy's.
- Anoop the blind one.
- Boyfriend #2
- Musicals
- Strengths and weaknesses.
And more...

Time: 58:19

Direct Download

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