Monday, June 8, 2009

Anoopcast #2: Welcome to The View!

Join Sarah, Anne, Diana, and Melissa this week as they discuss new happenings in the Anoop fandom.

- Two new hosts!
- Meet Diana and Melissa!
- Sarah is the baby of the group.
- Anoop tweets, and the Troopers warch the new facebook video.
- Yeah Texas!
- Talk about seeing Anoop and the tour songs.
- Glamberts rock our socks.
- Gay men make awesome friends!
- Mass bannings on the AI forums...yet again.
- Oh Charmers...
- Anoop Rewind this week is "My Prerogative."
- More talk of American Idol in general.
- So apparently we've turned into The View.
- The group tries to pressure Sarah into auditioning.
- Anoop: Tenor or Baritone?
- A special Anoop promotion from a secret guest.
- Beerpong in the pool.
- Scruff scruff!
- Scott is quite the character
- Bloopers!
- And much, much more...

Time: 1:24:27

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