Friday, June 12, 2009

Anoopcast #3: Hey Anoop! ASL?

Join Anne Marie, Melissa, and Sarah for this installment of Anoopcast and talk and laugh along with us!

-Live talk during the live chat with Anoop via comcast.
-Transcript can be found here: Live Anoop Chat
-Sarah's feed lags and gets annoyed by it.
-The Troopers complain about the lack of good questions.
-What Anoop wants in a woman...almost made Sarah cry. (Note from Sarah: What it really was that I felt that all guys ever care about are looks. They're all the same! Gah!)
-Cougar alert!
-None of our questions were what gives?
-The war with FOX!
-Anoop push ups.
-Creepy Charmers!
-A little blooper.
And much more...

Time: 51:56

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