Monday, August 17, 2009

Anoopcast #10: Our First Live Show!

Join Melissa, Sarah, and Anne Marie for the entirety of our first live recording broadcasted on ustream!

Disclaimer: We are not accountable for anything that was brought upon by the craziness that is the chat room.

- First Live Show!
- Diana comes in for the second half of the show.
- We interact and talk to people in the chat room.
- Raw and almost entirely unedited
- Now see what issues occur during recording.
- We have a guest for the first part of the episode -- Dazzy!
- She talks about her concert experience in Newark.
- The Epic Shirt
- MA's crazy health issues.
- Censored dancing.
- Dazz met Blake Lewis and Adam Lambert at the same time!
- Crazy after show barricades.
- Zombie Anoop!
- News
- "Only Child Syndrome"
- Sarah is going to change in college? What?
- Nene in the chat bugging Sarah.
- Announcements
- Taking a break for trivia in the middle and returning with Diana
- Anoopashion Report: Clothing Changes
- Flying Clothes
- Diana's creepy voice scares Anne Marie.
- Top Ten List: Top Ten Things he's done on tour.
- Sarah's bedroom voice.
- If Anoop was: Drinks and clothing.
- Chicken Soup for the Trooper's Soul: Nawal's story

And much more...

Time: 1:34:06

Direct Download

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