Sunday, February 28, 2010

Anoopcast #17: Car Trip with Anoop to Boston!

Join the Anoopcasters for another edition of the only podcast about Anoop Desai.

- Melissa is not with us this week, but Dazz was willing to fill in.
- News
- Interviews galore!
- Announcements
- Nothing new going on with the call in with Anoop at the moment.
- Main Discussion: Promo Tour
- What is a radio tour anyway?
- Later tour for the fans.
- Sarah's limited means of transportation.
- Dazz's suggestion involving hitching a ride with Anoop.
- Anoop Rewind: I'll Make Love to You
- Girl Reeelaaaax
- Anne Marie's been watching the wrong version.
- Manoop!
- Going over the lyrics of "My Name."
- Reading it like poetry.
- We're now the singing podcast.
- Sarah's mention of this coming Friday
- We're part of the team now! How weird is that thought?
- Bloopers

And much more...

Time: 1:03:20

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