Sunday, February 14, 2010

Anoopcast #15: Looking Ahead into 2010!

*Note: Episode was meant to be released a day after episode 14, but was pushed back a week due to plans for live show.

Join the Anoopcasters for another action packed episode!

- News
- Announcements, including a huge and important one.
- We discuss the interview with Robin Milling.
- Melissa gives thoughts on interview before she has to leave.
- Anoop clinically depressed?
- He's learned a lot.
- Single: My Name.
- Meaning behind EP title: All is Fair.
- Magazine writing!
- In the Studio with Anoop: Beat It!
- Top Ten List: Top Ten Things We Want/Expect in 2010!
- The irony of number two in the list (irony only now).
- Chicken Soup for the Trooper's Soul
- The end of Melinoop? A new ship?
- Bloopers

And much more...

Time: 46:44

Direct Download

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