Thursday, June 25, 2009

Anoopcast #5: Late Night with Tour Talk

Join the troopers once again for another episode of Anoopcast.

- Live chat with Justin TV Sunday at 3p.m. est!
- The antics of Danny, Anoop, and Matt.
- Transcribers
- Florida vlogs
- Anoopcast bracelets
- New publicist - Trinz
- Mailbag
- Blues Clues
- Please send us mail!
- Main discussion: Tour Talk!
- What songs are going to be done by Anoop?
- Spoilers for the show in general.
- Adam and his toilet.
- Matt...should never sing Coldplay again...ever.
- Scott and his meetings...with the CIA.
- Duets?
- Meet and Greet information!
- "Oops, my shirt fell."
- Anoopashion Report: Anoop Apparel.
- Anoop slippers and Tickle-Me-Anoop.
- Anoop Rewind: The audition
- First reactions to Anoop
- Wax on - Wax off
- Florida...again!
- Bloopers
And much more stuff!

Time: 1:30:40

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Thursday, June 18, 2009

Anoopcast #4: Shotgun Record Deal!

Join Anne Marie, Melissa, Sarah, and Diana for another action-packed episode of Anoopcast!

-New news segment!
-Sarah the Amish woman.
-The need for transcibers.
-Tour gifts for the podcast announced.
-Tour Talk
-Live broadcasting from the tour! Well...maybe...
-Main discussion this week: The record deal!
-Will he be getting a deal from 19?
-Would he be better off without them?
-Constantine's major sex appeal.
-Melissa's marriage proposal!
-Anoopashion Report: Tour wardrobe!
-Tour colors! Carolina blue!
-Sarah Palin returns...with her moose?
-Anoop Rewind: "Can you Stand the Rain?"
-Sarah gets excited over any little similarity she has with Anoop.
-Top Ten List: Nicknames for Anoop.
-"Hey Bubu!"
-Sarah's trip to Florida starting June 26th.
-Diana the rapper.
-Anne and Sarah discuss Charmers some more.
-Some talk of Eve and the trial being pushed back.
-Some bloopers.
And much more.

Time: 1:34:11

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Friday, June 12, 2009

Anoopcast #3: Hey Anoop! ASL?

Join Anne Marie, Melissa, and Sarah for this installment of Anoopcast and talk and laugh along with us!

-Live talk during the live chat with Anoop via comcast.
-Transcript can be found here: Live Anoop Chat
-Sarah's feed lags and gets annoyed by it.
-The Troopers complain about the lack of good questions.
-What Anoop wants in a woman...almost made Sarah cry. (Note from Sarah: What it really was that I felt that all guys ever care about are looks. They're all the same! Gah!)
-Cougar alert!
-None of our questions were what gives?
-The war with FOX!
-Anoop push ups.
-Creepy Charmers!
-A little blooper.
And much more...

Time: 51:56

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Monday, June 8, 2009

Anoopcast #2: Welcome to The View!

Join Sarah, Anne, Diana, and Melissa this week as they discuss new happenings in the Anoop fandom.

- Two new hosts!
- Meet Diana and Melissa!
- Sarah is the baby of the group.
- Anoop tweets, and the Troopers warch the new facebook video.
- Yeah Texas!
- Talk about seeing Anoop and the tour songs.
- Glamberts rock our socks.
- Gay men make awesome friends!
- Mass bannings on the AI forums...yet again.
- Oh Charmers...
- Anoop Rewind this week is "My Prerogative."
- More talk of American Idol in general.
- So apparently we've turned into The View.
- The group tries to pressure Sarah into auditioning.
- Anoop: Tenor or Baritone?
- A special Anoop promotion from a secret guest.
- Beerpong in the pool.
- Scruff scruff!
- Scott is quite the character
- Bloopers!
- And much, much more...

Time: 1:24:27

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