Thursday, March 25, 2010

Anoopcast #19: Houston We Have a Problem!

*Note the episode was recorded prior to the release of Anoop's first single, "My Name." You can buy it on his website, or on iTunes.

- News
- Announcements
- Mailbag
- We want sober voicemails!
- Anne Marie and Sarah are on their own for a bit due to not being able to get hold of Meli and Diana.
- Main Discussion: "My Name" anticipation!
- Houston, we have a problem.
- "Poppin' like a toaster..."
- We get a call in from a listener.
- Miriam has some insight to the radio aspect of everything.
- What's the definition of successful?
- Buying it from his website vs. iTunes.
- Diana shows up midway into the episode.
- Anoop Rewind: "Kiss Kiss"
- Jacket Drop!
- So much personality and we love that.
- Anoop Fashion Report
- Oh the hair...
- The Miami Vice shirt...
- Top Ten List: Top Ten Reasons You Should Buy "My Name"
- Special inspiration for the top reason.
- Anoopcast becomes a dating service...
- Yorah?
- Bloopers

And much more...

Time: 1:12:22

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