Monday, August 23, 2010

Anoopcast #23: The After Dark Show!

Join Sarah, Anne Marie, and Diana for another exciting episode of Anoopcast!

- News
- Announcements
- Discussing Q4AD
- Diana's recap of the American Idol finale back in May.
- Little kids are part of this show.
- Sarah is the awkward girl from the phone.
- What? A slight crush on Anoop?
- Studio Review: Lost and Found
- Anne Marie and Diana love it, but it's Sarah's least favorite.
- "Desireeee"
- Talk goes to "My Name" as the first single.
- The show turns into Anoopcast After Dark.
- Discussing the auction a bit.
- Bloopers

And much more.

Time: 1:10:28

Direct Download

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Anoopcast #22: Dobby is Free!

Join the Anoopcasters for another installment of Anoopcast!

- News
- Announcements
- Main Discussion: Recaps
- Liana's recap of another Anoop show.
- Anne Marie's recap of NYC
- Q4AD immediate reactions
- Sarah's Lebron James rant.
- What happened to the song explanations?
- Sarah questions the ethics of cheating.
- The schedule. It lies!
- Studio Review: "Senses"
- Talk about the production of the song.
- Top Ten List: Top Ten Reasons why Anoop's favorite Harry Potter Character being Dobby is the most awesome thing ever!
- "If you show up to a show wearing a pillowcase, he won't question it."
- Lamenting on the call in that could have been.
- Tons of bloopers
And much more.

Time: 1:05:48

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Anoopcast #21: All is Fair in Release Parties

Edited version of live show taken place on May 6, 2010.

- News
- Mailbag
- Main Discussion: All is Fair
- Talk about our favorite songs.
- How well could it possibly do?
- Possible touring.
- "Texas is a big state."
- Release Party recap
- Broadcast Recap
- "Some girl tried to eat it."
- Anoop with chains.
- Special guest in the release party chat room.
- Chicken Soup for the Trooper's Soul: Noah part two
- "Anooah. I ship it."
- Lack of Manoop lately.
- Remixes

And more.

Time: 1:08:13

Direct Download