Friday, April 30, 2010

Anoopcast #20.5: Release Parties and Manoop!

Join Sarah and Liana for discussion about the online broadcast on May 3, 2010.

- We talk about the party that's going on the ustream channel on Monday
- Name that tune!
- Manoop!
- The worst commercial ever.
- Anoop heartless?
- Talk of the album preview
- Favorite songs.
- Party Antics
- Mikush!!!
- Girl Scout cookies
- Anything is possible!

Time: 32:39

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Anoopcast #20: Feeling My Name with our Senses!

Join the Anoopcasters for another episode of the only Anoop Desai podcast!

- News
- Announcements
- Mailbag
- Responses to April Fools!
- Bieboop
- Main Discussion: My Name
- We all like it.
- What are the numbers?
- Acoustic performances
- Tour Talk: Opening for Sean Kingston
- Cellcast of the show.
- Our favorites from the set
- Anoop gets Sarah moving.
- Cellcasts in the future
- Anoop Fashion Report
- Anoop's fashion sense
- Who we would like especially for this segment.
- Chicken Soup for the Trooper's Soul
- A touching story this week.
- Bloopers

Time: 1:02:05

Direct Download

*Note: Apologies for the audio of Sarah's mic, and it picking up her breathing. The problem should be fixed soon.