Friday, May 22, 2009

Anoopcast #1: Noopy Woopy!

Come join Sarah and Anne for the pilot episode of Anoopcast.

-First full episode.

-New host! Meet Anne Marie

-Trying out for American Idol?

-Sarah talks about her scary story. The moderators deleted thread on the AI forums, so hear the details of the article via her livejournal.

-Sarah is becoming a danger magnet.

-Don't drink and drive, everyone.

-Sarah singing? Exclusive clip.

-Talk of the American Idol Finale.

-Anne and Sarah express their anger at lack of Anoop.

-Meganoop rumors squashed!...again. It pleases Sarah, and Anne is annoyed with the shippers.

-"Noopy Woopy!" (Sarah likes "Bubbles" better).

-Larry King live. Watch it Monday.

-Sarah announces the special dedication.


-And much more.

Direct Download

Time: 51:27

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Minisode #1: Anoop's Birdie Account

Come join Nia and Sarah in the first minisode for Anoopcast!

-Sarah rants about Twitter and FOX.

-Then she gets on a random tangent about politics.

-Nia thinks that Sarah will have a rendez-vous with the "twitter stalker."

-Sarah tells Nia about Anoop's scruff.

-Party in the AI forums!

-Sarah thinks Anoop is pretty, and she loves "that kid"

-Nia claims to be Santa.

Direct Download

Time: 23:35

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Test #2.5

This is test #2.5, which I guess could be considered the 'lost test.'

This is the test Nia and I did when I lost my audio.

I put together a bunch of funny clips of Nia's audio. Stuff that I feel should be shared. There is one clip that I rerecorded my voice for because you needed my end of the conversation to understand. I did remember what I said in that instance.

So enjoy everyone. Nia is very amusing. There is an introduction by me in the clip.

Direct download has been removed.

Time: 6:46

Posted by: Sarah

Saturday, May 9, 2009

Test #2

Join Sarah and her friend Nia as they do the second test. Talk includes Anoop, Twitter, and Harry Potter.

Direct download has been removed.

Time: 13:32


Tests will be taken off the feeds within a few days from posting.

Thursday, May 7, 2009

First test

So here's the first test for this feed for the podcast.

It's basically me, talking.

Edit: The direct download has been removed from the feed.